Monday, 22 February 2010

Fail of the Day

I went into Superdrug to buy some hand soap. EVERYTHING WAS ON OFFER (discounted). I walked out with shampoo, conditioner, lotion that will gradually make me look tan, body wash, face wash and hand soap. FAIL. I have most of these items already, albeit most of them are either close to running out or items I'm not satisfied with. STILL. I also should not be spending money because though I have a job, I may not receive my first paycheck for a few weeks (long story). But, all those purchases, brand name items too (!), cost under 12£, which I suppose is pretty good. Right?

1 comment:

  1. angel, you spent money now, but in the long run it will pay off when you *do* run out of those items! then you will be wishing you had bought those great items on sale....oh wait, you did!!!

