Wednesday, 26 May 2010


I've started getting ready for my trip to Bath by watching Jane Austen fan videos. Well, Persuasion fanvids. They're brilliant! Aka not at all. But I'm still watching them. And enjoying them...

Omg Capttaiinnn Wenntwooorrttthhhhh

For the Love of Barbara

My night: drinking wine and watching youtube clips of Barbara Streisand. This was spurred by the clip from Glee I saw where Idina Menzel sang Funny Girl, which is possibly my new theme song. I also suggest you go to youtube and look at the comments under barbara songs, I'm majorly loling.

To begin, here's my new theme song.

And here's Barbara looking lovely, singing "People."

And here's a personal fav, Barbara singing "Send in the Clowns."
Hipster Bike War on Judge Judy (via Gawker). The guys face around 339 is priceless. They probably love being on this show. So ironic. Wrong use of the word irony. Deal with it!

Things that are not fun: Applying for jobs. Especially when you have no confidence in your ability to get a job. Wahhhhh