Preface: Sorry for this whiney, depressing post.
It's just bringing me down so much and making me stressed. I know it's my fault because I should be pounding the pavement. I could make up excuses, but it's obviously mostly all my fault. So because of that I feel more like shit about myself and then I start feeling depressed and the cycle continues! It's just making it really hard to concentrate on other things. Cause then I start wondering if being here is worth it. It definitely is. But maybe I should have worked at Michaels (biggest FML of ML) for a year and saved up enough money to actually be able to enjoy life out here. I guess it's too late now!
I need a babysitting job or something. Where do I find one? Alternatively, I need a money tree.
I guess I should just go to bed and format my CV on word in the computer lab. It's not like I'll get the job anyways.