Sunday, 21 November 2010

Ahhhhh! So Sad! Though I think I still like the Whitney version better for it's intensity. Dolly, however, is such a talented wonderful woman.
In other stress inducing news, my internet is being hella slow at uploading the X Factor Beatles performances from last night on youtube. AHHHHH

UPDATE: They're actually videos of the entire performances, pre singing, singing and judges, so I'll happily wait!

Oh Fantastic

USPS attempted to deliver my entire life to the British Consulate yesterday, but surprise surprise no one was there. Now my passport is somewhere in post office limbo. I'm freaking out that they won't make a second attempt to deliver it on Monday and that my package will remain unclaimed for 5 days, they'll send it back to me and by that point I'll be beyond screwed. It says on my postal slip that they make a second attempt, but online it says that the consulate has to claim it and there's no effing way they're going to do that. So basically, I'm going to freak out until tomorrow when I can check which is true. This is all my fault because I should have either waived delivery confirmation or (more sensibly) said no weekend delivery. I just emotionally CANNOT DEAL with something stupid like this ruining my well organized visa plan.