Wednesday 3 February 2010

Diet Woes

I gained a pound. Ugh. I've seriously been trying really hard to be healthy, keeping track of everything I eat and walking a lot. I'm doing really well with the eating, I think my issue is that I don't count the calories in drinks. It's not like I'm drinking whole milk lattes 4 times a day, but Monday I had a white Americano, various cups of milky tea and coffee and a large glass of red wine. And yesterday I had a flat white, which apparently has roughly 225 calories and who knows how much fat. Plus, tea and coffee with milk (skimmed, but still). Clearly I need to stick to green tea and one cup of coffee with milk in the morning. Plus, only Americanos with a touch of milk when I go out for coffee.

It's just so frustrating! Like I feel fine, more toned than when I was home (obviously bc of all the walking), but the weight has stopped going down since I arrived. I know I have to keep with it and have patience, but I really want to see the numbers drop! Bahhh. And today I'm getting a jacket potato for lunch. FAIL.

1 comment:

  1. babygirl, you know that muscle weighs more than fat. people get stressed all the time when they gain a little weight after eating healthy and getting more exercise. you're just getting more tone!!

    and either way, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!!
