Thursday 21 January 2010

Positive Thoughts!

Sorry this blog has been a debbie downer lately. I guess my life has kind of been a debbie downer lately of stress, grey skies, poverty and academic self esteem issues. Meh! But there are positives in my life! Like today my check finally went through so not only could I pay the rent for the term but I was able to book my vacation North. I'm going to Glasgow to visit my friend Patrick in March yeyyyyyyyyyyy! I find this kind of funny because I keep complaining about the horrendous lack of sunshine here, but it's surely 100% worse way up north. However, I think this is okay because Patrick is like a giant ray of sunshine, so this should make up for any adverse weather conditions. Last time I saw Patrick (in like October or November) he told me that I have really skinny arms, which honestly gave me a self esteem boost for months. Like I haven't thought my arms were chubby since. Also, when Patrick visited over the summer and I wasn't sure if I should wear my 3 Wolf Moon T-Shirt (best shirt eva!), he told me something along the lines to just be myself and not worry about other people. So right! Basically, Patrick is wonderful and a trip North to visit him will probably do as much good as a week in the sun, replenishing vitamin D, would do. So thank you Patrick, for making my life a little bit better!

1 comment:

  1. I love the sound of Patrick. Yayyy positive thoughts! And I visit so soon gahhh im so excited so much to look forward to!
