Wednesday 21 October 2009

Another post with tinges of Christianity

This morning the wonderful Pamela and I journeyed north into Angel to go to a place that we refer to as the British Baking Revolution (it's on a sign they have inside) but it's actually called Euphorium Bakery. I got an americano and an almond croissant, which was I'm pretty sure the smallest one they had. I'm hoping the mean barista didn't look at me and think that I needed the smallest one. RUDE. Or maybe it was an accurately portioned European baked good. I don't know, anyways, this isn't the point of my story.

What is the point of my story is that on the way back I was handed a Christian magazine by some people on the street. I just read through it in another effort to avoid doing things I should be doing. Besides learning that Christian's shouldn't be sperm donors, even if they stipulate that a gay couple won't get their sperm, because God doesn't like man shedding his seed unless it's in his wife (dirty!). So that was interesting, but not out of the ordinary, what was out of the ordinary was the article in the magazine about the couple who were suffering health problems and found out that a witch had caused them! God luckily saved them, but this article made me question the magazine's validity. And the validity of the organization that funds it. Ah religion, such a confusing, complicated thing.

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