Wednesday 10 February 2010

Too Real.

Last night I had a dream explicitly (hard word to spell!) about the color gray. Something about me wearing only that color or something. Well, this morning on MSNBC (via Jezebel) I've learned that people with a lot of anxiety associate with the color gray. I definitely have a lot of anxiety. Apparently now it's infiltrating my dreams.

Then, I furthered my "scientific" research by looking at dream websites about colors in dreams. One told me:

1) I want to shield myself from those feelings. 2) I feel emotionally distant, only an observer. 3) It is as if I am standing aside, watching myself mechanically go through the motions. 4) I want to remain uncommitted, non-involved, shielded or separated from the situation. 5) I do not want to make a decision that will require my emotional involvement. 6) I have put up with too much and wish to avoid any further emotional stimulation. 7) I am trying to escape an anxious situation. 8) I am compensating for something.

Wowwww. Not all of those pertain to me but I would say 5-8 do on varying levels. Well, I hope gray isn't the color of the day. If only I could afford a baked good to comfort eat away my sorrows. I guess it's better for my bodily health that I can't.

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